

Farahi Lal Petroleum International Holding with the field of fuel transportation and import and export activities.

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Farahi Lal Petroleum International Holding with the field of fuel transportation and import and export activities.

Our Partners:

  • Taha Trans Energy LTD
  • Farahi Trading LLC
  • OOO”Eco Neft Magnat
  • OOO”Lal Neft Petrol
  • Farahi Lal Petroleum Petrokimya

  • +93402241930

  • info@farahilalpetroleum.com

  • No 35, 2nd Floor, Gas Oil Commercial, Behzad 4,
    Behzad Road Road, Herat, Afghanistan

  • Mo-Fri: 8 AM - 6 PM
    Sat: 10 AM - 4 PM