

Farahi Lal Petroleum International Holding with the field of fuel transportation and import and export activities.

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Liquid Gas Wholesale

For facilities in the cities of Herat and Kabul.

LPG Liquefied Gas Import

From Turkmenistan and neighboring countries.

Export of Propylene

In the countries of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Transport Fleet

in the countries of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.

Buying and Selling Fuel

Activities on the Uzbekistan Stock Exchange.

Gas station in Uzbekistan

Selling fuel through 2 gas stations in Uzbekistan.


Fuel Transportation

This company has fuel, gas and liquefied gas transportation fleets in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, and one of our main activities is fuel import and export.


Imports and Exports

Import and export of fuel, gas condensate and plastic raw materials (propylene) is another activity of Farahi Lal Petroleum Holding.

Farahi Lal Petroleum International Holding with the field of fuel transportation and import and export activities.

Our Partners:

  • Taha Trans Energy LTD
  • Farahi Trading LLC
  • OOO”Eco Neft Magnat
  • OOO”Lal Neft Petrol
  • Farahi Lal Petroleum Petrokimya

  • +93402241930

  • info@farahilalpetroleum.com

  • No 35, 2nd Floor, Gas Oil Commercial, Behzad 4,
    Behzad Road Road, Herat, Afghanistan

  • Mo-Fri: 8 AM - 6 PM
    Sat: 10 AM - 4 PM